Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Using Maven to create App Engine Endpoints project via archetype generation

Step 1: launch your console or terminal, and navigate to the folder where you want to create your appengine endpoints project.

Step 2: Now launch maven to generate archetype (if you are on Windows the console warns "mvn" is not a command, it is because you have not installed and add maven to the system path, follow this link to setup the maven environment: http://czcodezone.blogspot.sg/2014/09/setup-maven-on-windows.html)

$mvn archetype:generate 

Step 3: Use "appengine" as filter


This will list 3 archetypes.

Step 4: Now use "endpoints" as the filter


This will list 2 archetypes.

Step 5: Now enter "2" to select the second archetype (which is a hello-world endpoints project).


This will list 3 versions of the archetype 2.

Step 6: Now enter "3" to select the latest version of the archetype 2.


Step 7: Now maven will ask the "groupId", which is just the java package name, so i enter "com.appengine.training"


Step 8: Now maven will ask the "artifactId", which is the project package folder name, so i enter "training"


Step 9: Now maven will ask the "version", so I just press the ENTER key to accept the default

Finally: next few steps just press the ENTER key and "y" to accept YES, which completes the process of building a hello-world appengine end point project using maven. You can then load the project into eclipse to do further development

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