Friday, December 12, 2014

Storm: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/curator/RetryPolicy

Recently I was working on a Trident topology with Trident-ML which uses nathan marz's storm-kafka which pushes the results from the Trident topology to be read by another storm topology. While the program works perfectly in local cluster testing. When it was deployed in a storm cluster, the following error showed up from nowhere:

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/curator/RetryPolicy

The error got me stuck for more than half an hour, before i figured out a workable solution. It seems that i am using there is a version compatibility issues with the version of storm, trident-ml, and the storm-kafka. Originally i had been using the following dependencies in the pom file:




The error was gone, after I changed the storm-kafka dependency from storm-kafka-plus-0.8 to the following:


I figured the updated dependency solves the curator framework dependency in the storm-kafka's pom file. Note that if you have a pom-assembly.xml, remember to include the following:


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