Saturday, May 6, 2017

Open Source: Classical Reinforcement Learning in Java

I have just released a java package that implements the classical reinforcement learning introduced by Sutton's book "Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction", it is available at:

The package is available in maven repository as well. Some features and sample codes on usage are described here:


The following reinforcement learning are implemented:
  • R-Learn
  • Q-Learn
  • Q-Learn with eligibility trace
  • SARSA with eligibility trace
  • Actor-Critic
  • Actor-Critic with eligibility trace
The package also support a number of action-selection strategy:
  • soft-max
  • epsilon-greedy
  • greedy
  • Gibbs-soft-max
Reinforcement Learning


Add the following dependency to your POM file:


Create Agent

An reinforcement agent, say, Q-Learn agent, can be created by the following java code:
import com.github.chen0040.rl.learning.qlearn.QAgent;

int stateCount = 100;
int actionCount = 10;
QAgent agent = new QAgent(stateCount, actionCount);
The agent created has a state map of 100 states, and 10 different actions for its selection.
For Q-Learn and SARSA, the eligibility trace lambda can be enabled by calling:

Select Action

At each time step, a action can be selected by the agent, by calling:
int actionId = agent.selectAction();
If you want to limits the number of possible action at each states (say the problem restrict the actions avaliable at different state), then call:
Set<Integer> actionsAvailableAtCurrentState = world.getActionsAvailable(agent);
int actionTaken = agent.selectAction(actionsAvailableAtCurrentState);
The agent can also change to a different action-selection policy available in com.github.chen0040.rl.actionselection package, for example, the following code switch the action selection policy to soft-max:

State-Action Update

Once the world state has been updated due to the agent's selected action, its internal state-action Q matrix will be updated by calling:
int newStateId = world.update(agent, actionTaken);
double reward = world.reward(agent);

agent.update(actionTaken, newStateId, reward);

Sample code

Sample code for R-Learn

import com.github.chen0040.rl.learning.rlearn.RAgent;

int stateCount = 100;
int actionCount = 10;
RAgent agent = new RAgent(stateCount, actionCount);

Random random = new Random();
for(int time=0; time < 1000; ++time){

 int actionId = agent.selectAction();
 System.out.println("Agent does action-"+actionId);
 int newStateId = world.update(agent, actionId);
 double reward = world.reward(agent);

 System.out.println("Now the new state is " + newStateId);
 System.out.println("Agent receives Reward = "+reward);

 agent.update(actionId, newStateId, reward);

Sample code for Q-Learn

import com.github.chen0040.rl.learning.qlearn.QAgent;

int stateCount = 100;
int actionCount = 10;
QAgent agent = new QAgent(stateCount, actionCount);

Random random = new Random();
for(int time=0; time < 1000; ++time){

 int actionId = agent.selectAction();
 System.out.println("Agent does action-"+actionId);
 int newStateId = world.update(agent, actionId);
 double reward = world.reward(agent);

 System.out.println("Now the new state is " + newStateId);
 System.out.println("Agent receives Reward = "+reward);

 agent.update(actionId, newStateId, reward);

Sample code for SARSA

import com.github.chen0040.rl.learning.sarsa.SarsaAgent;

int stateCount = 100;
int actionCount = 10;
SarsaAgent agent = new SarsaAgent(stateCount, actionCount);

Random random = new Random();
for(int time=0; time < 1000; ++time){

 int actionId = agent.selectAction();
 System.out.println("Agent does action-"+actionId);
 int newStateId = world.update(agent, actionId);
 double reward = world.reward(agent);

 System.out.println("Now the new state is " + newStateId);
 System.out.println("Agent receives Reward = "+reward);

 agent.update(actionId, newStateId, reward);

Sample code for Actor Critic Model

import com.github.chen0040.rl.learning.actorcritic.ActorCriticAgent;
import com.github.chen0040.rl.utils.Vec;

int stateCount = 100;
int actionCount = 10;
ActorCriticAgent agent = new ActorCriticAgent(stateCount, actionCount);
Vec stateValues = new Vec(stateCount);

Random random = new Random();
for(int time=0; time < 1000; ++time){

 int actionId = agent.selectAction();
 System.out.println("Agent does action-"+actionId);
 int newStateId = world.update(agent, actionId);
 double reward = world.reward(agent);

 System.out.println("Now the new state is " + newStateId);
 System.out.println("Agent receives Reward = "+reward);

 System.out.println("World state values changed ...");
 for(int stateId = 0; stateId < stateCount; ++stateId){
    stateValues.set(stateId, random.nextDouble());
 agent.update(actionId, newStateId, reward, stateValues);

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