Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Clustering Algorithms in Java


Package provides java implementation of various clustering algorithms
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  • Hierarchical Clustering
  • KMeans Clustering
  • Single Linkage Clustering


Add the following dependency to your POM file:

Spatial Segmentation using Hierarchical Clustering

The following sample code shows how to use hierarchical clustering to separate two clusters:
DataQuery.DataFrameQueryBuilder schema = DataQuery.blank()

Sampler.DataSampleBuilder negativeSampler = new Sampler()
      .forColumn("c1").generate((name, index) -> randn() * 0.3 + (index % 2 == 0 ? 2 : 4))
      .forColumn("c2").generate((name, index) -> randn() * 0.3 + (index % 2 == 0 ? 2 : 4))
      .forColumn("designed").generate((name, index) -> 0.0)

Sampler.DataSampleBuilder positiveSampler = new Sampler()
      .forColumn("c1").generate((name, index) -> rand(-4, -2))
      .forColumn("c2").generate((name, index) -> rand(-2, -4))
      .forColumn("designed").generate((name, index) -> 1.0)

DataFrame data =;

data = negativeSampler.sample(data, 50);
data = positiveSampler.sample(data, 50);


HierarchicalClustering algorithm = new HierarchicalClustering();

DataFrame learnedData = algorithm.fitAndTransform(data);

for(int i = 0; i < learnedData.rowCount(); ++i){
 DataRow tuple = learnedData.row(i);
 String clusterId = tuple.getCategoricalTargetCell("cluster");
 System.out.println("learned: " + clusterId +"\tknown: ";

Spatial Segmentation using EM Clustering

The following sample code shows how to use EM clustering to separate two clusters:
DataQuery.DataFrameQueryBuilder schema = DataQuery.blank()

Sampler.DataSampleBuilder negativeSampler = new Sampler()
      .forColumn("c1").generate((name, index) -> randn() * 0.3 + (index % 2 == 0 ? 2 : 4))
      .forColumn("c2").generate((name, index) -> randn() * 0.3 + (index % 2 == 0 ? 2 : 4))
      .forColumn("designed").generate((name, index) -> 0.0)

Sampler.DataSampleBuilder positiveSampler = new Sampler()
      .forColumn("c1").generate((name, index) -> rand(-4, -2))
      .forColumn("c2").generate((name, index) -> rand(-2, -4))
      .forColumn("designed").generate((name, index) -> 1.0)

DataFrame data =;

data = negativeSampler.sample(data, 50);
data = positiveSampler.sample(data, 50);


EMClustering algorithm = new EMClustering();

DataFrame learnedData = algorithm.fitAndTransform(data);

for(int i = 0; i < learnedData.rowCount(); ++i){
 DataRow tuple = learnedData.row(i);
 String clusterId = tuple.getCategoricalTargetCell("cluster");
 System.out.println("learned: " + clusterId +"\tknown: ";

Spatial Segmentation using Single Linkage Clustering

The following sample code shows how to use single linkage clustering to separate two clusters:
DataQuery.DataFrameQueryBuilder schema = DataQuery.blank()

Sampler.DataSampleBuilder negativeSampler = new Sampler()
      .forColumn("c1").generate((name, index) -> randn() * 0.3 + (index % 2 == 0 ? 2 : 4))
      .forColumn("c2").generate((name, index) -> randn() * 0.3 + (index % 2 == 0 ? 2 : 4))
      .forColumn("designed").generate((name, index) -> 0.0)

Sampler.DataSampleBuilder positiveSampler = new Sampler()
      .forColumn("c1").generate((name, index) -> rand(-4, -2))
      .forColumn("c2").generate((name, index) -> rand(-2, -4))
      .forColumn("designed").generate((name, index) -> 1.0)

DataFrame data =;

data = negativeSampler.sample(data, 50);
data = positiveSampler.sample(data, 50);


SingleLinkageClustering algorithm = new SingleLinkageClustering();

DataFrame learnedData = algorithm.fitAndTransform(data);

for(int i = 0; i < learnedData.rowCount(); ++i){
 DataRow tuple = learnedData.row(i);
 String clusterId = tuple.getCategoricalTargetCell("cluster");
 System.out.println("learned: " + clusterId +"\tknown: ";

Spatial Segmentation using DBSCAN

The following sample code shows how to use DBSCAN to perform clustering:
DataQuery.DataFrameQueryBuilder schema = DataQuery.blank()

Sampler.DataSampleBuilder negativeSampler = new Sampler()
      .forColumn("c1").generate((name, index) -> randn() * 0.3 + (index % 2 == 0 ? 2 : 4))
      .forColumn("c2").generate((name, index) -> randn() * 0.3 + (index % 2 == 0 ? 2 : 4))
      .forColumn("designed").generate((name, index) -> 0.0)

Sampler.DataSampleBuilder positiveSampler = new Sampler()
      .forColumn("c1").generate((name, index) -> rand(-4, -2))
      .forColumn("c2").generate((name, index) -> rand(-2, -4))
      .forColumn("designed").generate((name, index) -> 1.0)

DataFrame data =;

data = negativeSampler.sample(data, 200);
data = positiveSampler.sample(data, 200);


DBSCAN algorithm = new DBSCAN();

DataFrame learnedData = algorithm.fitAndTransform(data);

for(int i = 0; i < learnedData.rowCount(); ++i){
 DataRow tuple = learnedData.row(i);
 String clusterId = tuple.getCategoricalTargetCell("cluster");
 System.out.println("learned: " + clusterId +"\tknown: ";

Image Segmentation (Clustering) using KMeans

The following sample code shows how to use FuzzyART to perform image segmentation:
BufferedImage img="1.jpg"));

DataFrame dataFrame = ImageDataFrameFactory.dataFrame(img);

KMeans cluster = new KMeans();
DataFrame learnedData = cluster.fitAndTransform(dataFrame);

for(int i=0; i <learnedData.rowCount(); ++i) {
 ImageDataRow row = (ImageDataRow)learnedData.row(i);
 int x = row.getPixelX();
 int y = row.getPixelY();
 String clusterId = row.getCategoricalTargetCell("cluster");
 System.out.println("cluster id for pixel (" + x + "," + y + ") is " + clusterId);
The segmented image can be generated using the trained KMeans from above as illustrated by the following sample code:
List<Integer> classColors = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for(int i=0; i < 5; ++i){
 for(int j=0; j < 5; ++j){
    classColors.add(ImageDataFrameFactory.get_rgb(255, rand.nextInt(255), rand.nextInt(255), rand.nextInt(255)));

BufferedImage segmented_image = new BufferedImage(img.getWidth(), img.getHeight(), img.getType());
for(int x=0; x < img.getWidth(); x++)
 for(int y=0; y < img.getHeight(); y++)
    int rgb = img.getRGB(x, y);

    DataRow tuple = ImageDataFrameFactory.getPixelTuple(x, y, rgb);

    int clusterIndex = cluster.transform(tuple);

    rgb = classColors.get(clusterIndex % classColors.size());

    segmented_image.setRGB(x, y, rgb);

1 comment:

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