Thursday, July 25, 2013

Association Rule Learning: Job Posting Skill Set Learning and Employment Matching

Just completed an association rule learning application using job posted on websites as the data source, the current application can do the following:

1. Crawl data from job sites such as indeed, jobdb, etc.
2. Help answer: if you know a particular skill, what other skills you should possess to make you more employable in a particular region or country (e.g., Singapore)
3. Help answer: if you what a particular career, what skill sets you should learn or know to make you successful in employment in a particular region or country (e.g. Singapore)
4. Help answer: if you wish to join a particular company in a particular region or country (Singapore in the demo), what skill sets will increase your chance of being hired by that company
5. Help answer: if you has a particular skill, what companies in a particular region or country (e.g. Singapore) you can join
6. Help answer: if you are working in a particular region or country, what skill sets will make you highly employable here.

The demo video can be viewed at the following link:

Below is a some screenshots:
Crawl Job Sites

Job Post
Learned Skill Set Association

Learned Skill Set - Employment Matching

Association Rule Learning Applications

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